Saturday, March 23, 2019

Spitfire and Beau are friends

I, GrMa-Duck, love that I captured in photos a bit of the friendship between Beau and Spitfire
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Names of our little flock of pet ducks, in order of pecking order

Beau, #1, Welsh Harlequin drake (looks like a mallard

SpitFire, #2, small orange cat duck-wanna-be) 😝

Sweetie #3, small Pekin hen, white (the one usually in front of the other small Pekin hen; she is ever so slightly bigger than Little Squeak)

Little Squeak, #4 small Pekin hen, white (slightly smaller and usually hanging out behind the others - has a happy little squeak sometimes when she eats or forages)

Darrick, happily #5, Cayuga drake (black and ever so handsome and regal looking)

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