Last night was bitter cold for central VA and I was worried about my pets ducks, worried they wouldn't go in or stay in our little 8x4 duck house heated with heat lamps. You see SpitFire, our little rescued cat, is also apart of our tiny flock of backyard ducks. She is best buds with Beau, #1 drake in the pecking order out there. Her #2 rank in pecking order, coupled with the fact that the girlie duckies don't like the way she runs around when she is in her playful mood, means they tend to avoid her and aren't willing to walk past her or approach her unless Beau does first. (Trust me when I say that this little cat and Beau are good friends who play with each other and look out for each other. Missy (now passed) and Beau were key to SpitFire's acceptance into the flock, and apart of the flock she is!)
Now since September when the temperatures started falling, SpitFire has taken "ownership" of the duck house; and I have rarely seen the ducks being willing to walk past her into the house, not even to stay warm. Our ducks are climatized and do well in cool weather, even in the snow, until the temperatures dip below 20°F. Last night with it getting close to 10°F though I was a little worried about the ducks (mostly about their feet). Would they go in the duck house? Would they stay in there?
Last night, after plugging in the second heat lamp, I put treats up the ramp to encourage them to go in. (There was already a small thing of fresh water inside the house; has been for weeks.) Then, after a little calm patient encouraging on my part, and some hesitation on Beau's part, Beau took the ducks inside. After the ducks were inside the duck house SpitFire followed and laid down right in the doorway. YAY! Success! (But I wondered would they stay inside?)
Later, when I checked on them before going to bed, all I could see was SpitFire laying near the doorway sleeping. I couldn't see if the ducks were still in the house or sleeping outside.
This morning at first light was the same. But as the sun rose a little more I saw that all four ducks were in the house along with our little orange cat,SpitFire! I was SO SO happy!!
Later, Beau ran out of the house with the others behind him (because the sun came up). I thought, "Well at least they stayed inside last night." The ducks all got a little bit to eat. And then a joyous sight for me: ALL of the them (our four pet ducks and little cat), all of them, went back inside the duck house to stay warm.
It made me so so so happy to see that! I know that they will be safe and warm.
You can't tell much from these pictures but I know that the whole tiny flock is in the house (Beau, #1, Welsh Harlequin drake; Darrick, happily #5, Cayuga drake; Little squeak, #4, small Pekin hen; Sweetie #3, small Pekin hen, and SpitFire, #2, small orange cat duck-wanna-be) so these pictures make me happy!!
Nothing makes GrMa Duck happier than all her little loves, happy, safe, and getting along.
P.S. It is always in the back of my mind that Spring is coming and with it loads of duckie drama. But for now I am enjoying and celebrating the winter peace. 😃
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