A week and a half ago our sweet, Missy (Miss Adventure) passed away and went to be with her sisters Queenie and Keelyn. She had dealt with severe arthritis in both of her legs and her hips. Eventually she couldn't walk. We take comfort knowing that she's not hurting anymore.
Her personality and namesake never faded. She never stopped being loud, bossy, and stubborn; always wanting to be close to her boys. Even on her hardest days she always "said "thank you"" for treats and food or getting to eat yummy grasses, with her sweet, high-pitched mumbles. She is sorely missed.
Sadly, at that time we also knew our big love Kouta didn't have much longer. Also suffering from severe arthritis, he was unable to walk anymore and did not want to be separated from the flock. This past weekend he let GrmaDuck know, in almost the same way Keelyn let us know, that he was ready to go. We are grateful that he is also no longer suffering.
He most certainly earned his name. Kouta is japanese for big and large and peaceful. Besides Queenie, he was our biggest cuddler. He always looked at me differently than the others did, if I can I would compare it to the way a little boy looks at his mama. He always had such love in his eyes. He was our "big love" and we miss him greatly.
Our hearts are hurting. I have hand-raised 2 separate little flocks. I lost my first babies Alex and Bianca, 7 years ago today. And our little flock of 6 that GrmaDuck and I hand-raised together is now down to 2.
As I now live far away, it is so hard that I did not get to say goodbye to them. But I am so thankful that I got to be their MamaDuck and that Missy and Kouta are both resting next to their sisters Keelyn and Queenie, and my first babies Alex and Bianca.
As GrmaDuck always says, raising ducks is not for the faint of heart. They are a tremendous undertaking and a huge responsibility. They are fragile creatures who love their people so deeply, that it leaves your heart open to be broken. We are heartbroken, but we are so thankful for the joy they have brought to our lives.
Miss Adventure - "Missy" 10/12/10 - 3/2/17
MamaDuck snuggling 2dayold Missy GrmaDuck with teenage Missy
Missy's best friend Queenie Missy's love Beau
Our beautiful, sweet freckle face
Kouta 10/12/10 - 3/11/17
Week old Kouta snuggling Treats with MamaDuck
Kouta's love Keelyn Darrick was Kouta's best bud
(Such and odd pair)
He was always the king of the pool
Our sweet, lovey big boy