The pool drains are working ... sort of ...
They do drain, but being the size of a garden hose and full of dirt and other messy things they drain slowly. Which means a new morning and evening routine, but they are definitely helping reduce the amount of water and soggy mud around the pools and saving our backs.
close up of the drain valve & hose for our above ground pool (open) |
We have for several years used a double layer of "kiddie" pools for our duckies. Using two pools nested together helps prevent holes and cracks. We replace the kiddie pools maybe once every year to two years. We used "WaterWeld" a specialized epoxy putty to seal the drain holes inside and outside of the pools. (In the picture above it is the white stuff around the joint). This allows us to move the pools to dump out dirt etc with the drain hoses still attached and not have to worry about the integrity of a water tight seal around the joint.