A Saturday morning video of our six pet duckies. A whole week in "general population" made Keelyn's leg sore so we set aside "girlie duckies" time is the "deep" pool. Keelyn's recovery from her broken legs, includes lifetime rehab and extra care. She is doing very well though and we love all of our feathered family/flock members.
... now for lots of pictures ...
Missy |
Beau and Kouta sleeping outside the aviary fence |
Queenie preening after a girlie duckie time in the pool. |
Keelyn some non-weight bearing time
She has joined the flock all day and after
a full week with them 24/7 her legs are
sore and worn out. |
Our sweet Keelyn
Welsh Harlequin |
Darrick, naptime outside the aviary. |
Kouta ... getting sleepy
#1 in our flock |
Missy and her beautiful freckles
Pekin |
It is hard for us to get a close picture
of Queenie because she is always busy
doing something. Here she was:
dig, drink, preen, drink, dig, ... |
Beau | |
Queenie, look back at us over her wing
female Cayuga |
Sleepy sleepy duckie
Kouta |
Darrick always likes to rest near the leafy stuff. |
Missy |
Beau |
"Hey! what are you doing?? Can I come in there too?!?! |
Keelyn, sleeping in the pool (ssshhhhh) |
Isn't Missy's face beautiful. |
Keelyn still sleeping. |
Missy all clean and preening after her very long girlie duckie bath. |
Silly Queenie after her long girlie duckie bath
she got to digging in the mud then walked around
with mud on her nose. |
Mama Duck (human) came over and they
all started walking toward her. |
We love saturday mornings when we can spend time with the duckies.
All of girls seem to have developed bumble foot. About a week ago, GrMaDuck noticed that they were eating a lot more mud than usual indicating a nutritional need. We increased their vitamins and minerals, but the combo of nutritional needs and the fact that their pen is mostly dirt created just the right situation to develop this. They are not limping or complaining, we just noticed it during cuddles. All three girls are have a vet appointment this Tuesday. We will keep their feet clean washing them with betadine in the meantime. Each of the girls will likely be put on antibiotics. We caught it early and don't expect any complications, only the inconvenience of having to give all three girls a pill everyday for a week. We are hoping this does not upset the balance of the flock too much.
Our life with pet ducks continues to bring joy into our lives. The duckie world in our backyard is full of silly, fun, drama, and peaceful moments. Having pet ducks ...
(GrMaDuck never expected this years ago) ... but having pet ducks pours so much goodness into your life (okay lots and lots of work too... not to mention the worry and money) but MUCH goodness. (We love our cat Pepper very much too.)
Our six duckies: Kouta male/drake Pekin, Darrick male/drake Cayuga, Missy female/hen Pekin, Keelyn female/hen Welsh Halequin, Queenie female/hen Cayuga, & Beau male/drake Welsh Harlequin