
Friday, June 24, 2011

Toxic Plants ...reminders & more info ...

Thanks to another blogger and duck lover ... we were surprised or had forgotten about the ones below in bold (of course most of the time ducks will not eat something that is poisonous because of the taste but in my rural area we have to extra careful ... because most of the time is not ALL of the time)

You can see Shanti Perez / Augie March - King of Doodles post at the link below.
"birds [ducks] are at risk from laburnum seeds, potato sprouts, black nightshade, henbane, most irises, privet, rhubarb leaves, rhododendron, oleander, yew, castor bean, sweet pea, rapeseed, corn cockle, clematis, common St. John’s Wort, meadow buttercup, vetch, ragwort and some fungi. Blue-green algae is quickly fatal, so water containers should be kept clean, especially in hot weather and access to stagnant water should be prevented."
"Eggplant, Stem, leaves, sprouts (ripe fruits are OK) Solanine, atropine-like alkaloids Vomiting, diarrhea, irregular or rapid heart rate, difficulty swallowing, labored breathng, dilated pupils, no urine production, paralysis, seizures
Potatoes Stem, leaves, sprouts, green skins Solanine, atropine-like alkaloids Vomiting, diarrhea, irregular or rapid heart rate, difficulty swallowing, labored breathng, dilated pupils, no urine production, paralysis, seizures
Tomatoes , Stem, leaves, sprouts (ripe fruits are OK) Solanine, atropine-like alkaloids Vomiting, diarrhea, irregular or rapid heart rate, difficulty swallowing, labored breathng, dilated pupils, no urine production, paralysis, seizures

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