
Monday, March 25, 2019

Trying to capture the partial molt on Beau’s head

Pretty Duckies
... we were trying to capture the white speckles in Beau's Head feathers from his partial molt ... (this is normal)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Spitfire and Beau are friends

I, GrMa-Duck, love that I captured in photos a bit of the friendship between Beau and Spitfire
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Names of our little flock of pet ducks, in order of pecking order

Beau, #1, Welsh Harlequin drake (looks like a mallard

SpitFire, #2, small orange cat duck-wanna-be) 😝

Sweetie #3, small Pekin hen, white (the one usually in front of the other small Pekin hen; she is ever so slightly bigger than Little Squeak)

Little Squeak, #4 small Pekin hen, white (slightly smaller and usually hanging out behind the others - has a happy little squeak sometimes when she eats or forages)

Darrick, happily #5, Cayuga drake (black and ever so handsome and regal looking)