
Saturday, February 23, 2013

February Update

Not much to say other than it has been a calm happy winter for our duckies.  They have all been healthy and have had no social/flock conflicts.

However, with the days starting to get longer the boys have started to "season in".  This means that the drake competitions are getting underway.  We had hoped that maybe they would be a little more mellow this spring, but by the emerging boy duckie (drake) behavior it looks like it will be at least one more year before the boys "mellow".

This Saturday temps were in the lower 40s so it was a good time to fill BOTH pools and give them longer to forage.  They enjoyed both.  We even gave the girls a little bit of time to get a good bath in the "big" pool before the boys joined in and started fighting over the girls.

With the "good" digital camera we were able to capture a few good pictures (as well as a bunch of regular quality pictures).

Aren't our LOVES beautiful!

foraging behind the duck aviary (enclosure)

"GrMaDuck, open the door"

girlie duckies getting a boy free bath
Kouta and Beau enviously look in from the other side of the fence.

quack quack quack
our pretty duckies

preen preen preen
girlie duckies getting clean

Missy combing her feathers

splish splash Missy is taking a bath

pretty speckled Queenie

Kouta says, "Hey, that is enough, it is time for the boys to join in on the splashing fun."
Queenie just ignores him and enjoys every last minute in the "big" pool without the boys.

Queenie, getting every feather in it's proper place.

Finally the boys turn in the "big" pool!
Kouta and Darrick are still best buds
(except when they are competing to see who is the best drake)

Our beautiful Beau - with his head a very bright iridescent green